In Ireland, there are 380,000 people who suffer with asthma. At the moment, asthma is not covered under the Long-Term Illness Scheme and as one in every ten children has asthma in Ireland this has caused a huge financial burden for the families of those suffering with this disease.

Thank you for considering hosting a fundraising event for Asthma Society of Ireland, we have listed ideas and ways to get involved below.
How to get started
First, you will need to decide on your event, make it fun and interactive, if you're not sure where to start we have few fundraising ideas to insipire you.
Do you have a birthday coming up?
Why not ask friends and family to celebrate a cause that is close to your heart this year by setting up a Birthday Fundraiser in support of Asthma Society of Ireland? Make your special day that more special by letting people know what matters you most, set up your Facebook Birthday Fundraiser here to create your page.
If don’t have Facebook, you can set up your Birthday Fundraiser on our other partner platform iDonate.
Don’t forget to share your birthday fundraiser across social media & Whatsapp with friends, family & colleagues and tag us @TheAsthmaSocietyofIreland
Take it to the public!
- Why not organise a church gate collection? In order to collect money outside a church, you will need permission from the local parish priest/clergyman and a permit from the local Gardaí. We can apply for the permit on your behalf and provide you with collection buckets and posters.
- How about an onstreet or shopping centre collection for the Asthma Society? In order to collect in a public place or on the street, you must have permission from the local Gardaí, a permit is easy to obtain from your local Garda Station.
Other creative Fundraising Ideas -
- Neighbourhood bingo
- Pyjama Party
- Beard shave
- Grow, dye or shave your hair
- Nominate Down Syndrome Ireland for the AIB Community Fund
- Virtual trivia quiz or charades
- Games night – board games, online games
For more ideas click here and to set up your fundraising page click here.
Once you have your fundraising idea in mind, tell us your plans by completing our Fundraising Guidelines/Event Proposal Form. You can return this form to our Fundraising Team by email to
Dont forget to tell everyone about your event!
Advertise your fundraiser in plenty of time and ask all your friends, family, and colleagues to help you spread the word, through social media, Whatsapp,using your local network and local business support. Dont forget our hashtag #AsthmaSocietyofIreland
The Asthma Society of Ireland has a dedicated fundraising team who would be delighted to help you plan, organise and promote your fundraising event. We will also send you out a fundraising pack, which will include everything you need to fundraise for your event.
Upon completion of your fundraiser, we will make sure to send you a Certificate of Thanks and an Impact Report for your wonderful support. For more information please call 015549207 or email at to register your event.