We are the national representative body for people with asthma in Ireland. Operating for over 50 years as a not-for-profit organisation, our vision is that everyone with asthma in Ireland can live a full life, symptom-free.
At a time when asthma deaths are largely preventable, it is simply unacceptable that someone dies every five days due to the condition. Working with patients, their families, the healthcare community and a network of corporate and civil society partners, we know that change is not only possible, but achievable.
As the environmental and socio-economic drivers of asthma are increasing the prevalence of the condition, healthcare costs are rising, and inequality deepens, the time for action is now.
The need
Ireland has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world - some 450,000 people in the country currently have asthma and 890,000 people will experience the condition at some stage of their life. Despite this, 50% of people living with asthma do not have the condition under control, and asthma is often not understood as a chronic and potentially life-threatening condition.
Although one person, on average, dies every five days due to asthma, 90% of these deaths are preventable.
How we work
We aim to achieve our mission through advice, education, advocacy, and research.
We are leaders, conveners, and community-builders. We aim to put people with asthma (and their carers) at the forefront of all of our activities. Through this patient-centred approach, we strive to be the authentic voice of the 450,000 people with asthma in Ireland, representing their views and interests with policy and change makers at all levels.
Our strategy

In May 2020 we launched our five-year strategy: Stopping Asthma Deaths in Ireland. The strategy was developed on foot of engagement with patients and healthcare professionals through focus groups, surveys, one-to-one meetings and at key events. In the period since its launch, the global population – and our health systems – have battled the devastating impacts of a respiratory pandemic. The Society strove to respond and empower our community to stay safe. As we emerge from those uniquely challenging years, we are even more determined to build an Ireland that recognises the importance of protecting lung health, and building a responsive, well-resourced and patient-centred respiratory healthcare system. Our commitment to you is that we’ll breathe easy when you can.
Our impact
Over the past 25 years, we have provided advice and support to thousands of people in Ireland via our asthma and COPD Adviceline services. We have increased public awareness of asthma as a chronic illness, and highlighted the effects of air quality, smoking/vaping, and allergens on asthma. We have collaborated with policy makers, researchers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and healthcare professionals to shape the future of asthma care in Ireland.
In 2023 we:
Made almost 4,000 calls to help people with their asthma or COPD
Sent over 3,750 WhatsApp messages to help people with their asthma or COPD
Held health promotion webinars attended by over 1,000 people
Delivered over 1,300 asthma information booklets to families across the country
Trained 34 teachers to respond to an asthma attack in school, potentially saving a child’s life