People with asthma need to be more aware of what triggers their asthma within the home, which includes the family pet, dust and dust mites, mould, smoke, and cleaning products.

In Winter, people spend up to 90% of their days inside on average. Research has shown that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than the air outside. For people with asthma, indoor air has a material impact on health and quality of life.
People with asthma need to be more aware of what can trigger their asthma within the home.Triggers may include the family pet, dust and dust mites, mould, smoke, and cleaning products.
To help the public get a better understanding of the triggers within thier home, the Asthma Society runs an annual Asthma Friendly Homes awareness campaign.

This week, we'll be giving away three €50 All4One vouchers on our social media. For your chance to win, simply like and share our Asthma Friendly Homes videos on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - we'll be giving away a voucher a day.
As part of our Asthma Friendly Homes campaign, this year we have created a leaflet which can be downloaded here. The leaflet will help people understand what the most common triggers are within the home and what can be done to combat them.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease. While asthma cannot be cured, there are measures you can take to reduce your asthma symptoms, especially within the home:
- Be aware of your asthma symptoms and warning signs;
- Be aware of your personal asthma triggers and minimise them;
- Use your medication as prescribed to treat and prevent your asthma.
Triggers found within the home:

- If you are allergic to certain pets, rehome the pet if possible
- Keep pets away from living areas
- Keep pets away from fabric-covered furniture, rugs and carpets
- Ensure your pet is properly washed by someone without an allergy
- Vacuum regularly using a vacuum suitable for pet hair

Dust and Dust Mites
- If you are allergic to dust, damp-dust the house at least once a week
- Remove any unwanted clutter to avoid gathering dust
- Wash sheets, pillow covers and blankets at 60 degrees every week
- Use allergy-proof covers for mattress, pillow and blankets
- Vacuum your pillows and mattress
- Wear a dust mask when dusting

- Try not to dry clothes indoors
- When showering or cooking, use your extractor fan or open a window
- Moulds will only grow in moist conditions:
- Check for any leaks around your pipes or water appliances
- Use a de-humidifier to reduce the moisture content if necessary

- Don’t smoke or allow others to smoke in your home
- Open fires are dangerous for people with asthma - consider having a more asthma friendly heating arrangement like a sealed stove
- Ensure your chimney is cleaned to allow steady flow of smoke

Gas Cookers and Appliances
- Ensure that the kitchen is ventilated
- Use an extraction fan when cooking
- Maintain gas appliances and ensure they are serviced regularly
- Have a carbon monoxide alarm installed in your home

Cleaning Products
- Use warm water for cleaning, where possible
- Choose solid/liquid cleaners over spray cleaners
- Use cleaning products that are labelled allergy friendly or stick to the traditional vinegar, baking soda or lemon and ensure the work area is well ventilated
For more information on the scariest triggers within your home, and how to combat them, see
There's something frightening in your home this Halloween
For more information on your pet as an asthma trigger within the home, see:
Could your family pet be making you sick? Should you consider rehoming your pet?
Asthma Friendly Homes Videos
As part of our Asthma Friendly Homes campaign we visited the CEO of the Asthma Society - Sarah O'Connor's home with specialist respiratory nurse Ruth Morrow to find the most common asthma triggers in each room of the house.
For top cleaning practices, see: