The Asthma Society of Ireland represents a community of over 450,000 asthma patients, as well as their friends and family.
We communicate regularly with over 50,000 asthma patients and their families through a number of communication platforms: Asthma & COPD Adviceline, Whatsapp, publications, e-zines, website and social media.
A partnership with us provides a platform for organisations to reach this targeted community and to assist asthma patients around Ireland in helping them to manage their condition.
For an overview of our yearly activities please click here for our Corporate Brochure.

The Icy Plunge for Asthma
Join business leaders and executive teams from across Ireland in taking the icy plunge for asthma. By braving the cold and momentarily losing your breath, you’ll stand in solidarity with the 450,000 people living with asthma in Ireland. Your courage and support will help raise essential funds to continue supporting the 890,000 people who will experience asthma at some point in their lives. For more information please contact

Payroll Giving & Gift Matching
Discover the possibilities of introducing Payroll Giving and/or Gift Matching programs! Whether you opt for a monthly donation equal to an hour's wages or participate in matched donations, there are fantastic chances to enhance the influence of your charitable contributions. For more information please email

Seasonal Events
The Asthma Society is always participating in exciting initiatives throughout the year. Interested in a summertime marathon or getting involved with fun filled Christmas fundraisers? We also have great team building activities throughout the year! For more information please email

Tax Information for Companies
Companies registered in Ireland can claim a tax deduction for donations of €250 or more in any one tax year as if it were a trading expense. For more information visit the revenue site and find out to how to maximise the impact of your donation.
Get in touch today and we will provide you with a bespoke consultation on our impactful programme of fundraising activities, volunteering opportunities and employee engagement initiatives, tailored to meet your company’s needs. For more information please email