Aug 04 Survey reveals: seven in ten people with asthma and hayfever need to increase their medication during high pollen count
Jun 29 Asthma Society urges understanding for those who cannot wear face coverings due to chronic breathing difficulties
Jun 25 Over 300,000 people who have both asthma and hayfever advised to take precautions during “Pollen Season” to avoid potentially fatal asthma attack
Jun 16 Asthma Society criticises Programme for Government for failing to prioritise prevention of asthma deaths
Jun 15 Asthma Society of Ireland teams up with CarePlus Pharmacies to provide free COVID-19 Asthma Healthpack to Support People with Asthma during Pandemic
Jun 04 Asthma Society of Ireland teams up with Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and the Irish Lung Fibrosis Association launch free webinar for respiratory patients during COVID-19
May 19 Asthma Society calls on Minister Harris to meet needs of people with asthma and COPD during and after pandemic
May 04 Minister Simon Harris launches Asthma Society of Ireland’s Sláintecare-funded, Beating Breathlessness WhatsApp Messaging Support Service