We provide resources tailored towards creating an Asthma Friendly School.

If your school would like printed copies of any of our booklets or posters we will be happy to send them out to you. please contact the office on 01 817 8886 or email: reception@asthma.ie

What is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic disease which inflames the airways. The airways are the small tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. Asthma causes the airways to become over-sensitive and react to things they wouldn't normally react to, such as cold air or dust mites - even family pets. These are called triggers.
When asthma symptoms are triggered, the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten, making them narrow. The lining of the airways also swells and sticky mucous is produced, clogging up the already narrowed airways. With the airways narrow and clogged with mucous, it becomes diffcult to breathe.

Asthma Friendly Schools Guidelines
Please click here to access our Asthma Friendly School booklet and learn about
- Asthma basics
- What to do if a child with asthma joins your class
- Common asthma triggers and how to avoid them at school
- Different kinds of inhalers and other asthma treatments
- What to do in an emergency
- The answers to freqeuently asked questions about asthma in schools
We recommend that all schools have an Asthma Policy in place that is reviewed regularly. Click here to see a sample policy that we have prepared.
As part of the Asthma Policy, we also recommend that schools create an asthma record sheet for all students with asthma. Click here to download our record sheet.
In An Emergency
Asthma attacks can be frightening and dangerous experiences. They can happen suddenly or when symptoms get worse over a number or days or hours, even when someone is taking their medication as prescribed and avoiding triggers.
If a student has an asthma attack or you suspect they are having an attack, you should take immediate action.
If someone is having an asthma attack, they will have one or a combinations of the symptoms below:
- Cough
- Wheeze
- Shortness of breath
- Chest tightness
- The person is too breathless to finish a sentence
- The person is too breathless to walk, sleep or eat
- Lips turning blue
Remember, if a student is having an asthma attack, you should immediately follow the 5 Step Rule, which you can find here.
- Extra puffs of reliever inhaler are safe
- You should use a spacer if possible
- Don't lie the student down or put your arm around the student
- Don't leave the student alone
- Students should not be taken to hospital in your own car if possible; however, if it is necessary, another adult should accompany you.
Click here to download a PDF version of our Asthma Attack Cards featuring the 5 Step Rule. We are happy to provide hard copies, posters and any of our asthma literature to schools that request them.

Sports & P.E.
Exercise improves lung function and is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Asthma symptoms shouldn't stop children from taking part in sport and P.E, provided that certain precautions are taken.
Click here to access our Reach Your Peak with Asthma booklet to learn about:
- Exercise induced asthma
- Common sporting triggers
- Tips for exercising with asthma and how to manage asthma, before, during and after activity
- Guidelines for PE teachers and coaches
Click here to download a PDF version of our Reach Your Peak with Asthma poster. We are happy to provide hard copies to schools that request them.

Asthma Wristbands
By wearing our Asthma Wristbands students can help to raise asthma awareness. T
hey will also help spread the word about our free Asthma Adviceline service, which allows members of the public to schedule a free phone appointment with a specialised asthma nurse.
If you would like us to send wristbands to your school just let us know by emailing schools@asthmasociety.ie.