Leaving a Legacy

Leave a Legacy in your Will for the Asthma Society of Ireland


Help make a difference in the future, leave a legacy

Now that you are living with Asthma, it becomes even more important for you to live your life in a way that will preserve the essence of who you are and make an impact in the areas that are most important to you. This positive effect on others becomes your legacy.
It’s worth noting that, even leaving aside the fact that you may want to leave some of your money to charity, writing a will is a prudent thing to do. If you die without one, your assets will be distributed according to Irish law rather than according to your own wishes. Just a few of the other reasons to take the time to write a Will include:

  • Reducing the inheritance tax incurred - leaving money to charity allows for this.
  • Making provision for your children e.g. choosing who will take care of them and setting aside funds for this.
  • Making any other necessary provisions, such as for your pets, or your business, or other responsibilities that you have.
  • Specifying what sort of funeral you would like, taking the pressure off your family from having to make these decisions.
  • Declaring that you would like your organs donated. Be sure to tell your family about your wishes, in case it comes up unexpectedly.
  • Naming your executors (family members are a standard choice).

Background on Asthma Society of Ireland

The Asthma Society of Ireland (ASI) is the national charity dedicated to empowering Ireland's 450,000 people with asthma to take control of their asthma by providing them and their families with information, education, services and support. We are focused on representing people with asthma and working to improve their health outcomes.

We will continue to actively engage with the general public, healthcare professionals, the government, third party organisation and other stakeholders to keep asthma high on the agenda with policy makers and politicians and in the public consciousness.  We will advocate on behalf of people with asthma to ensure that they receive the best possible care, treatment, information and support.

Despite its extensive prevalence in the community, asthma remains, in many ways a forgotten disease despite its social, economic and personal impacts. It has had a low priority when compared with some other chronic and serious illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers. But there is a National Asthma Programme, approved in 2011, so our priority is and will be to advocate for its full implementation - which at a time of economic difficulties is extremely challenging.

We will continue to push for better services and care management and for initiatives at a national level to address the high cost of asthma care for people with asthma and their families.

Ideas for leaving your legacy

There are many examples of how people living with Asthma have decided to leave their legacy for their families to have and cherish.
Some people have chosen to create something for others to have and keep. One person wrote a cookbook of favorite recipes for family members to enjoy. Others focus on spending quality time with family and friends to create memories to cherish.
Ideas that may help you leave a positive effect on others include:

  • Creating a family tree that includes details about each person.

  • Writing letters to grandchildren about your life. Share what you have learned and what you hope for them.

  • Making photo albums for the important people in your life that give details of a wonderful time you had spending time together. 

  • Volunteering your time with an organization you believe in. One way you can volunteer with us is becoming Asthma Society advocate. Your voice and efforts will help people with Asthma have access to the care and support services they need to live their best life.

Tips on Making your Will