The Asthma Society offers primary and secondary schools the opportunity to be recognised as Asthma Friendly Schools. All schools that take part will receive asthma information and resources, health promotion materials, and teaching aids.

Award Criteria

Bronze Award
Your school will have:
Made us aware of your intention to become an Asthma Friendly School and communicated this through your school’s website
Appointed a contact member of staff who will receive our School Resource Pack
Distributed its contents to teaching and PE staff, and brought their attention to our online resources
Displayed the posters from our Resource Pack around the school

Silver Award
Your school will have
Met the criteria for the Bronze Award and
Appointed a group of students (for example a year group, class or committee) as Asthma Ambassadors
Facilitated the Asthma Ambassadors in educating themselves about asthma, for example by accessing our online resources and videos
Facilitated the Asthma Ambassadors in creating asthma awareness materials (for example posters, presentations, songs, or videos) and promoted them throughout the school
Sent our Asthma Information Sheet home with your students asking parents to let you know if their child has asthma

Gold Award
Your school will have
Met the criteria for the Bronze and Silver Awards and
Held an educational event for parents and staff, for example a nurse-led presentation organised through the Asthma Society
Facilitated students in taking part in the Asthma Society’s World Asthma Day fundraising and awareness activities
Developed a school asthma policy outlining how your school supports students with asthma and your emergency protocols for handling an asthma attack

If you wish to take part in the Asthma Friendly School Awards, please email to register your interest. Also see the Schools section on our website for more details and resources. In order for your school to achieve an award you will need to submit evidence that you have met the relevant criteria.
For a list of past winners of the Asthma Friendly Schools Award, click here